« lessĪmong the provisions of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 are minimum technological requirements for hazardous-waste landfills, surface impoundments, and waste piles. Unique analytical issues encountered during these test programs are also addressed. The resulting metals removal efficiencies from each of the three pollution control systems are quantified. The results from these test programs were analyzed to identify the factors that influence the metals emission rates. Multiple metals emissions were determined in accordance with USEPA 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 29 sampling and analytical procedures. The sewage sludge was analyzed in accordance with USEPA Method SW846. The influent incinerator sludge was sampled in conjunction with each test program to determine the sludge metals content. 1 WWTP, to determine mass emissions more » of multiple metals (As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Hg, Se, and Zn).

City of Glens Falls WWTP, and Saratoga County Sewer District No. Emissions test programs were conducted at three municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), City of Auburn WWTP. The paper focuses on factors that may influence sewage sludge characteristics, sewage sludge metals feed rates, and the corresponding metals emission rates.

The paper addresses emissions requirements for sewage sludge incineration under 40 CFR Part 503, Subpart E.
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The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has promulgated regulations affecting the disposal of municipal sewage sludge under Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Part 503. An 8087 math coprocessor, a hard disk and 640K RAM are required.
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Software Description: The model is written in the FORTRAN 77 programming language for implementation on an IBM PC or compatible microcomputer using the MS-DOS or PC-DOS operating system. Eight shoreline types with more » varying oil holding capacities and seven oil types encompassing a range of viscosities can be simulated. It also includes explicit representation of as many known, active processes as possible, partitioning oil quantities among air, water surface, water column, and the substrate/groundwater systems in or near the surf zone. COZOIL builds on previous oil-spill trajectory and fates models, which typically end with contact at the coastline. Price includes documentation, PB-89-149314 Country of Publication: United States Language: English Subject: 32 ENERGY CONSERVATION, CONSUMPTION, AND UTILIZATION 54 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 29 ENERGY PLANNING, POLICY AND ECONOMY SEWAGE SLUDGE COMBUSTION WASTE DISPOSAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL POLLUTION REGULATIONS COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION CHEMICAL REACTIONS CONTROL MANAGEMENT OXIDATION POLLUTION CONTROL REGULATIONS SEWAGE SIMULATION SLUDGES THERMOCHEMICAL PROCESSES WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTES 320604* - Energy Conservation, Consumption, & Utilization- Municipalities & Community Systems- Municipal Waste Management- (1980-) 520600 - Environment, Aquatic- Regulations - (-1989) 290300 - Energy Planning & Policy- Environment, Health, & SafetyĬOZOIL, developed and tested for use by the Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service, was developed as a generic, computer-based model for the simulation of oil spills entering the surf zone, impacting a shoreline, and transforming through time as a result of physical and chemical processes. Office of Water Regulations and Standards OSTI Identifier: 5829765 Report Number(s): PB-89-138762/XAB Resource Type: Technical Report Resource Relation: Other Information: The software is contained on 5 1/4-inch diskettes, double density (360K), compatible with the IBM XT/AT microcomputer. Authors: Crumpler, G Publication Date: Research Org.: Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC (USA).